The Department of Psychology Hosted a Poster Presentation April 28 In Zelnick Pavilion.
Ellen Bartolini '11 shared her research titled "Eliciting Emotion with Film: Development of a Stimulus Set." Her advisor was Chuck Sanislow, assistant professor of psychology. Melanie Bronfeld '12 presented "The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia." Her advisor was Matthew Kurtz, associate professor of psychology, associate professor of neuroscience and behavior. Shipra Panicker '11 shared her research on "Feminine Horror - Pride, Respect and Future Aspirations." Her advisor was Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera, assistant professor of psychology.Christian Hoyos '11 talks about his research titled "Left-right Language Predicts Children's Landmark use in a Disorientation Task." Hoyos's advisor was Anna Shusterman, assistant professor of psychology.Lauren Feld '11 presented her research on "Student Stress in High-Pressure College Preparatory Schools." Her advisor was Anna Shusterman. Matthew Narakas '11 shares his poster on "Race Representation and Language in Research." His advisor was Jill Morawski, professor of psychology, director of the Center for the Humanities. Arielle Hixson '11 presented her study on "The Representation of Adolescent Relationships in Fictional Television." Her advisor was Sarah Carney, visiting assistant professor of psychology. (Photos by Cora Lautze '11)