Twenty-one first-year students participated in a Ravine Park community service project Aug. 30 under the guidance of Brian Stewart, associate professor of physics. The students removed several invasive alien species including Japanese barberry, oriental bittersweet and multiflora rose. Pictured above, from left, are Kuan-lin Huang '12, Jonathan Silva '12, Hannah Monk '12 and Katherine Mullins '12.
Linda Kung '12 helps clean up invasive species at Ravine Park, an 8.8 acre area located between Pine Street and High Street near campus. The park features a creek-side trail used regularly by Wesleyan students. Volunteers help maintain the trail by removing litter and invasive plants. The student volunteers ended their day of clean-up with a group picnic at the park. Stewart, who leads a park clean up every fall, said the group may get together again for invasive plant removal reunions, and plant native shrubs in the spring. (Photos by Brian Stewart)