More than 70 Wesleyan students took part in the Winter Dance Concert Dec. 5 and 6 in the Center for the Arts Theater. The annual concert showcases the work of dance majors completing Choreography Workshop. Pictured are Sheryl Sinclair '09 and Collin Cutrone McMichael '09 performing a dance titled "unto i lovE: an anagram" by Yumin He '09.
The Winter Dance concert featured new works by Unstuck World, the choreographic premiere of new works from senior and junior Wesleyan University dance majors. These students include Molly Birnbaum '09, Jessica Brownfeld '10, Kimberly Denson '10, Aaron Freedman '10, Yumin He '09, Evelyn Israel '10, Fon Sawitree Kongmuang '09, Julie Lam '10 and Indee Mitchell '10. Pictured is Aaron Freedman's piece, "I dentity generation."Mclean Denny '11 performs Indee Mitchell's "De-Sid(in)g to Shout Yes."Matthew Perry '11 performs Fon Sawitree Kongmuang's dance, "Whatever You Believe, Imagine or Perceive, Your Popularity Brings Friends and Enemies."Simone Moore '11 performs Molly Birnbaum's "A Bundle of Wood." (Photos by Intisar Abioto '09)