Hughes Fellow Juan Carlo Francisco '11 speaks to Michael Weir, director of the Hughes Program in the Life Sciences, professor of biology, about his project "Comparative Analysis of Ecotype Demarcation Algorithms" during the 2009 Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Presentations July 31 in Exley Science Center. Francisco's advisors were Danny Krizanc, professor of computer science, and Fred Cohan, professor of biology.Hughes Fellow Danielle Mor ’10 speaks about her research titled “Identifying Migration Guidance Factors for Transplanted Neural Stem Cells in the Epileptic Hippocampus." Mor’s advisor is Laura Grabel, the Lauren B. Dachs Professor of Science and Society, professor of biology.
At left, Stephen Devoto, associate professor of biology, associate professor of neuroscience and behavior, listens to Hughes Fellow Mike LeVine '11, center, speak about his research titled "Fate Mapping of Neurons in the Adult Brain." LeVine's advisors were John Kirn, chair and professor of neuroscience and behavior, director of graduate studies, professor of biology, and Stanley Lin, lecturer in biology, who is pictured at right. Alison Hardy '10, at left, presented her research titled "Investigating the SecA-Signal Peptide Interaction in Escherichia coli. Hardy worked on the project with Lorry Grady, graduate student in molecular biology and biochemistry, and her advisor, Don Oliver, the Daniel Ayers Professor of Biology, professor of molecular biology and biochemistry. Hughes Fellow Sara Rood-Ojavlo '11 talks about her project titled "Population Differences in Seedling Plasticity in Response to Two Contrasting Habitats in an Invasive Species." Rood's advisor is Sonia Sultan, chair and professor of biology. More than 80 students shared their summer research at the poster session. Hughes Fellow Juan Pablo Mendoza ’10 explains his research titled “Walls and Polygonal Obstacles in Dynamical Autonomous Navigation." Mendoza’s advisor is Eric Aaron, assistant professor of computer science.Quantitative Analysis Center fellow Peter Hull '10 explains his senior thesis proposal "Economic Shocks and Civil Conflict," to Don Moon, dean of the Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Programs, the Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Professor in the College of Social Studies, professor of government. Hull's advisor is Masami Imai, associate professor of economics, associate professor of East Asian studies. (Photos by Olivia Bartlett Drake)