Students Share Video of Volunteering in Haiti

Between March 7-19, eight Wesleyan students assisted the Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team-Haiti (AMURT) by setting up camps for children and planting community food gardens in Port-Au-Prince.
The students, Jacob Eichengreen ’13, Elijah Meadow ’13, Haley Baron ’12, John Snyder ’12, Ali Patrick ’13, Barbaralynn Moseman ’13, Michael Steves ’13 and Stefan Skripak ’13, created a video of their experience (watch video below).
“Probably, the most difficult time for me was last night when there was a flash flood, and I just realized that everyone that we’ve met, or heard of…hundreds and thousands of people, right now are in six inches of water,” Snyder says in the video. “Their tents are soaked. People are sleeping in mud, if they’re sleeping at all. It was It was just an extraordinarily emotional experience.”
The students shared their experience to admitted students during WesFest on April 16, and to the Wesleyan community on April 19. More information on the student’s trip is in a March 3 Wesleyan Connection article.