More than 80 undergraduates presented recent research at the Wesleyan Summer Research Poster Session July 29 in Exley Science Center. Students majoring in biology, molecular biology and biochemistry, psychology, physics, earth and environmental sciences, chemistry, and other disciplines spent at least 10 weeks this summer working on research projects. Oscar Takabvirwa '14 presented his research on "Solvation of (the peptide) Melittin Using Molecular Modeling." His advisors are Christina Othon, assistant professor of physics, and David Beveridge, the Joshua Boger University Professor of the Sciences and Mathematics, professor of chemistry. This was a dual project between the Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry.
Rebecca Lange '13 presented "Number Development in Oral Deaf and Typically Hearing Children" to Steven Stemler, assistant professor of psychology. Lange's advisor is Anna Shusterman, assistant professor of psychology. At left, T. David Westmoreland, associate professor of chemistry, listens to Hughes Associate Evan Baum '13 speak about his research on "Electrochemical Oxidation of a COT Derivative in Allyltrimethylsilane." Baum's advisor is Albert Fry, the E.B. Nye Professor of Chemistry. Baum is one of 108 Hughes Fellows and Hughes Associates participating in science-related research this summer. Hughes Fellows are funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. At right, Hughes Fellow Neil Ni '13 presented his poster, "Effect of Surface Patterning on the Stability of DNA-linked Nanoparticle Structures." His advisor is Francis Starr, associate professor of physics. Eden Engel-Rebitzer '12 presented her study on "Student Mobility and School Achievement in the Context of No Child Left Behind Legislation." Her advisor is Lisa Dierker, professor of psychology. Engle-Rebitzer participated in the Quantitative Analysis Center's Summer Apprenticeship Program, which provides students with an opportunity to develop skills in quantitative analysis and statistics software. Katie McConnell '13 presented "Working for Intelligent Landscape Design in the West College Courtyard." Her advisor is Bill Nelligan, director of environmental health, safety and sustainability. McConnell coordinated her project through the College of the Environment.