Shane ’05 and Wilson ’05 Awarded Grant for New Documentary

Martha Shane ’05 and Lana Wilson ’05 have received a coveted grant from the Pare Lorentz Documentary Fund for their feature-length documentary After Tiller, which they directed and produced. The film deals with the aftermath of the assassination of Dr. George Tiller as the last four late-term abortion doctors in America confront harassment from protestors, challenges in their personal lives, and a series of tough ethical decisions.
After Tiller is one of five films that received this year’s grants, which are awarded to “projects that illuminate pressing problems in the United States.”
This year the International Documentary Association received grant applications from 216 filmmakers from across the United States and around the world. Submissions were judged on their objective research, artful storytelling, strong visual style, and high production values, as well as the reflection of the spirit and nature of Pare Lorentz’s work.
“This support comes at a crucial time for us–we have just begun submitting cuts of the film to festivals, and are now completing the original score with our composers, and preparing for color correction and sound mixing in December,” Shane and Wilson said. “With this grant, we now have only $71K left to raise to cover all of our finishing costs.”
If you are interested in making a donation to the film, click here.
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