Graduate Student Services hosted “Graduate Student Conversation with President Roth” on Jan. 22 in Daniel Family Commons. President Roth answered graduate student questions and talked about the value of a Wesleyan graduate education, especially in the challenging job market, how technology is changing the role of the professoriate, and how the graduate community can be involved in the Making Excellence Inclusive project.
Will Setzer, a graduate student in physics, listens as President Roth responds to a student’s question.Youngeun Cho is a foreign language teaching assistant in the Language Resource Center.At left, Raquel Martinez, a graduate student in astronomy; Madeleine Manheim, a BA/MA graduate student in astronomy; and Christopher Ramos Flores, a graduate student in music, listen to President Roth.Megan Heenahan is a Ph.D candidate in mathematics.James Ricci, a Ph.D. candidate in mathematics, fields questions from the audience to President Roth. Ricci is president of the Graduate Student Association.