Rodriguez Mosquera, Imada Published in Cognition Journal

Lauren RubensteinMarch 11, 20131min

The journal Cognition and Emotion published a new paper by Assistant Professor of Psychology Patricia Rodriguez Mosquera and former post-doctoral fellow in psychology Toshie Imada. The paper, titled, “Perceived social image and life satisfaction across cultures,” studies the relationship between perceived social image and life satisfaction for Indian, Pakistani/Bangladeshi, White British and European American men and women. Participants completed a survey on the cultural importance of social image, positive and negative emotions, academic achievement and perceived social image. For Indian and Pakistani/Bangladeshi participants, who generally valued social image more than White British and European American participants, positive perceived social image predicted life satisfaction above and beyond the effects of emotions and academic achievement. Academic achievement only predicted satisfaction among White British and European American participants. Emotions were significant predictors of life satisfaction for all participants.

Read the full article here.