Graduate students Andrea Ballanti, Delfina San RomanGrossi, and Tifenn Philippot dressed up in pajamas during the Pan-Romance Carnival Celebration, hosted by the Romance Language and Literatures Department on Feb. 24.
Alexandra Ricks ’16, Micaela Kaye ’16, and Alwyn Lansing ’16 show off their masks. Carnival is the unifying celebration of the Romance Languages. Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese speaking countries all celebrate Carnival in one way or another.Adela Ramirez ’13 and Stephanie Huezo ’13 pose in their costumes at the carnival.At left, Ana Perez-Girones, adjunct professor of romance languages and literatures, and Louise Neary, adjunct assistant professor of romance languages and literatures, enjoy the annual carnival.Kristine Schiavi, administrative assistant, and her husband Victor make crepes. (Photos by Hannah Norman ’16)