Several Wesleyan faculty participated in “Crossing Disciplines: Innovative Teaching Techniques Workshop,” a workshop focused on contemplative and kinesthetic approaches to teaching, on April 10 in Woodhead Lounge. Faculty participants experienced the benefits of cross-disciplinary learning by discussing ways to strengthen teaching, student learning, and infuse the arts into other disciplines. Pictured at left is Mary Alice Haddad, associate professor of government, associate professor of East Asian studies, associate professor of environmental studies; and David Beveridge, the Joshua Boger University Professor of the Sciences and Mathematics.This workshop emphasized ways students can use multiple knowledge sets to approach a topic and draw on their personal experiences, and ways faculty can diminish the hierarchy between student and teacher. Pictured from left is Steve Stemler, associate professor of psychology; Elizabeth McAlister, professor of religion, professor of African American Studies, professor of American studies; University Jewish Chaplain David Leipziger Teva, director of religious and spiritual life; and Bill Herbst, the John Monroe Van Vleck Professor of Astronomy, director of graduate studies. The workshop was sponsored by Wesleyan’s Center for Faculty Career Development. (Photos by Hannah Norman ’16)