A map in Usdan University Center created out of recycled paper, yarn and pins by student Orientation interns illustrates the geographic diversity of Wesleyan’s newest students. The new students—including the Class of 2018, transfer and graduate students—come from as as close as Middletown and as far away as North Sydney, Australia (20,002 miles).
More than 715 students come from 43 states in the U.S., with the highest concentrations in New York (156), California (101), Connecticut (59), New Jersey (49) and Massachusetts (68). The map also shows that 109 international students come from 30 different countries, including Ukraine, Guatemala, Palestine, Egypt and Malaysia.The idea for the map was developed by Elisa Cardona and Gretchen LaBonte in the Student Activities & Leadership Development Office in order to showcase the geographic diversity of Wesleyan students.