Plous on Social Psych and the Michael Brown Shooting

Professor of Psychology Scott Plous spoke to the Associated Press about the tendency of observers to see the Michael Brown shooting as black and white. Those who support Officer Darren Wilson, and those who are convinced he unjustifiably shot and killed an unarmed man, look at the same facts and see no gray area largely due to “confirmation bias,” said Plous.
“It’s the tendency to seek out and give greater weight to information that confirms what we think rather than contradicts it,” he explained.
In this particular case, with little unambiguous evidence, “people are actually acting very reasonably,” said Plous.
“There is a void, and into that void, people will bring whatever they regard as the most reasonable evidence,” he said. “People are trying to make sense of this tragedy using the most compelling evidence they have available.”
This includes their own perspectives and experiences.
“We’re forced to reconstruct, to remember, to imagine what could have taken place,” Plous said, “and those are precisely the conditions when we’re likely to see bias.”