Kate CarlisleJuly 22, 20142min
Lori Gruen, chair and professor of philosophy, professor of environmental studies, professor of feminist, gender and sexuality studies, has been elected a fellow of the prestigious Hastings Center. The 45-year-old center, an independent bioethics research institute, addresses ethics in the areas of health, medicine and the environment. “I’m delighted to be elected a fellow of the Hastings Center,” Gruen said. “The research publications (from Hastings) are cutting edge, and have been an integral part of my teaching.” Gruen is coordinator of Wesleyan Animal Studies and director of the university’s Ethics in Society project, which aims to develop and foster teaching,…

Lauren RubensteinJuly 22, 20141min
The Wesleyan Media Project, which for the past two federal election cycles has tracked and analyzed campaign television ad spending, is expanding into the realm of health policy analysis with a new study examining media coverage accompanying the Fall 2013 rollout of the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplace. The question of inquiry: How did media coverage of the ACA (commonly called “Obamacare”) differ state to state—or even within states—and what impact might this have on new health insurance enrollments? Findings were published July 18 in the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law from Duke University Press. (more…)

Lauren RubensteinJuly 16, 20143min
A June 10 note to the President’s Office at Wesleyan grabbed attention—Harvard’s Office of Undergraduate Education wanted help in quickly obtaining 125 copies of Michael Roth’s new book to distribute to Harvard faculty members. The email was indicative of the excitement that Roth’s latest book, Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters (Yale University Press), has generated since it was published in May. The sixth book that Roth has authored, it has received substantial coverage in the national media and has helped put into historical context today’s debates over the value of a broad, liberal education. Roth reminds readers that accusations…

Lauren RubensteinJuly 16, 20141min
Leo Lensing, professor and chair of German Studies, professor of film studies, wrote the cover article in this week's issue of the Times Literary Supplement. The article, titled, "Pillar of Fire," is about a new biography of the Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann. The Times Literary Supplement describes the story as "How to assess the 'stations' of Ingeborg Bachmann's self-destructive life from childhood constant reader to modernist 'Fräuleinwonder'... Lensing counsels caution when dealing with Bachmann's own accounts of her experiences, including those of her childhood which 'ended when Hitler troops marched into her hometown' of Klagenfurt. Sometimes the 'primal scene' can 'look more like a scenario.'"…

Olivia DrakeJuly 15, 20142min
John Frazer, professor of art, emeritus, died July 7 at the age of 82. "Generations of Wesleyan students knew John as a gifted teacher of students at all levels of artistic ability," said Ruth Striegel Weissman, provost and vice president for academic affairs. Throughout his career on the Wesleyan faculty, from 1959 to 2001, Frazer introduced hundreds of Wesleyan students to the art of drawing, painting and film. He taught the first filmmaking courses at Wesleyan and continued this teaching until the Film Program, which he helped found, became independent of the Art Department. His influence lives on through his endowment…

Olivia DrakeJuly 14, 20141min
The Office of Human Resources reported the following new hires and departures for June 2014: Newly hired Maureen Zimmer was hired as the Academic Affairs coordinator on June 2. Felicia Harrsch was hired as a research assistant on June 2. Kendrick Wiggins was hired as a residential operations coordinator on June 2. Lauren Davis was hired as a human resources coordinator/generalist on June 16. Hira Jafri ’13, MA’14 was hired as an evaluation fellow/assistant on June 18. Deborah Colucci was hired as the equity compliance director and Title IX coordinator on June 23. Jeanne McNeff was hired as an administrative assistant for the College of East…

Olivia DrakeJuly 14, 20143min
Long Lane Farm is Wesleyan’s student run organic farm devoted to allowing students a place to experiment and learn about sustainable agriculture. This summer, seven students are tending the two-acre farm full-time. New to this year's farm are Rhode Island red hens, who reside in the farm's chicken coop. The coop was designed and built by Wesleyan's Architecture II class in 2013. Throughout the summer, other students and community members help out around the farm with planting, watering and weeding. Food harvested from the farm is sold at the North End Farmers’ Market throughout the summer, and at the Wesleyan…