On Feb. 18 the Wesleyan community gathered in Memorial Chapel to hear Stanley Fish, the Davidson-Kahn Distinguished University Professor and professor of law at Florida International University, deliver the 25th annual Hugo Black Lecture on Freedom of Expression. His talk was titled “Micro-aggressions, Trigger Warnings, Cultural ‘Appropriations’ and History: What’s Happening on Campus?”
Following the lecture, Fish welcomed questions from audience members.President Michael Roth introduced Stanley Fish to the audience. Fish is a renowned scholar of literature and an academic who has written on an array of topics from Milton’s Paradise Lost and the poetry of John Skelton, to free speech and academia.Fish is also a notable public intellectual and has made appearances on The O’Reilly Factor,NBC Nightly News, Larry King and NPR. Prior to his lecture in Memorial Chapel, he held a informal discussion with Wesleyan students.Fish also participated in a basketball game with a Wesleyan student, staff and faculty. Pictured from left, are Chris Wojick, Tim Israel ’16, Paul DiSanto, Rob Rosenthal, Greg Bernard, Stanley Fish, Vijay Pinch, Frantz Williams and Chuck Fedolfi.Fish, who is 76 years old, netted many hoops during the mid-day game. (Photos by Rebecca Goldfarb Terry and Olivia Drake)