Mayberry ’97 Works with Volcano Disaster Assistance Program

Gari Mayberry ’97 was featured in the January issue of EARTH Magazine for her work with the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP).
In the article, “Life-saving Diplomacy: The Volcano Disaster Assistance Program at Thirty,” VDAP’s growth and evolution over 30 years are chronicled, highlighting the team’s past successes and goals for the future.
Mayberry, who studied geology at Wesleyan, is part of the world’s only volcano crisis response team, which is made up of what EARTH writer Bethany Augliere described as “a small group of U.S. volcanologists that works around the world to prevent eruptions from becoming disaster.” Since its inception, VDAP has responded to more than 30 major volcanic crises.
Mayberry discussed her time working at volcanic sites in places like Indonesia and Tanzania. “Volcanoes are not something that most people think about regularly. I want people to know that there is this team of people who are thinking about volcanoes regularly,” she says in the article.
EARTH Magazine is published by the American Geosciences Institute, a nonprofit federation of geoscientific and professional associations that represents more than 250,000 geologists, geophysicists and other earth scientists.