Students Prepare for Final Exams, Winter Recess

This week, in preparation for final exams, hundreds of students are flooding Olin Library, Science Library, Exley Science Center, Usdan University Center and other quiet spots seeking an area to study in solitude, while othersĀ are collaborating with classmates in groups.
Undergraduate and graduate classes ended on Dec. 8. Reading Period was held Dec. 9-12 and final exams end at 5 p.m. Dec. 16.
University housing closes on Dec. 17 and re-opens on Jan. 23, 2018, and spring semester classes for Wesleyan undergraduates and graduates begins on Jan. 25. Graduate Liberal Studies courses begin on Jan. 29.
Photos of the study sessions are below: (Photos by Rebecca Goldfarb Terry ’19 and Lisa Pinette)
From 9 to 11 p.m. on Dec. 11, Wesleyan Women in Science (WesWIS) and Wesleyan Math and Science Scholars (WesMASS) hosted a study break in Woodhead Lounge and offered students fruit, hot chocolate and other snacks. Photos are below: