On. Sept. 16, University Chaplain Tracy Mehr-Muska spoke about her new book, Weathering the Storm (Wipf and Stock, 2019), during a Local Author Program on Mind, Body, Spirit at the Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore.Mehr-Muska is an ordained Presbyterian pastor, board-certified interfaith chaplain, Coast Guard veteran, wife, and mother. Her passion for learning about and teaching resilience has been inspired by the strong and spirited people she has served and worked alongside while in the military and while ministering in a trauma hospital, prison, psychiatric hospital, university, and hospice.
Mehr-Muska, at left, joined three other authors at the program, including Lisa Blackman, author of The MetaPhysician Within; Jonathan Alpert, author of Be Fearless: Change Your Life in 28 Days; and Adelia Moore, author of Being the Grownup: Love, Limits and the Natural Authority of Parenthood.The panelists welcomed questions and comments from the audience.Weathering the Storm offers simple and proven strategies to develop a resilience that will be of enormous benefit to anyone who is yearning to feel more peaceful and prepared. In the book, Mehr-Muska shares the stories of her own struggles with self-esteem, sexual assault, and miscarriage that inspired her to research resilience and to enthusiastically reach this conclusion: Resilience is not something that is inborn but instead is a set of characteristics we can cultivate.The authors signed copies of their books following the program. (Photos by Nick Sng ’23)