Gamelan Ensemble Performs Live during Javanese Shadow Puppet Play

It’s been almost three years since the Wesleyan Gamelan Ensemble was able to perform in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But on April 21, the group, directed by University Professor of Music Harjito, played to a full house in World Music Hall as part of a Javanese shadow puppet play.
The puppet play, called “Wayang Kulit” was directed by puppet master (dhalang) and Winslow-Kaplan Professor of Music Sumarsam.
The play was attended by a distinguished guest, Arifi Saiman, Consul General of Indonesia in New York, and his guests. Saiman presented a brief speech and provided the performers with Indonesian cuisine.
“Overall, it was a memorable and successful concert, marking the normalcy of cultural activity on campus,” Sumarsam said.
(Photos and video by Aaron Bittel)
“Tonights Story”
“Battle scene”