Lauren RubensteinFebruary 17, 20174min
Associate Professor of Government Erika Franklin Fowler and Sarah Gollust '01, associate professor at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, are authors of a new paper published Feb. 16 in the American Journal of Public Health examining local TV news coverage of the Affordable Care Act rollout in 2013 and 2014. Though television news played a key role in providing information about the ACA when Americans were first learning about the details of new insurance options open to them, this is the first analysis of public health-relevant content of this coverage during the ACA's first open enrollment period. In an…

Randi Alexandra PlakeFebruary 16, 20173min
Two members of the Class of 2017 and the Wesleyan athletic community have committed to join Teach For America after graduation: Michael Weinstein ’17 of Brookline, Mass. and Katie Scruggs ’17 of Vail, Colo. Teach For America recruits and develops a diverse corps of outstanding college graduates and professionals to make an initial two-year commitment to teach in high-need schools and become lifelong leaders in the effort to end educational inequity. Weinstein, who is the captain for both the men’s rugby team and ski team, will teach middle school special education in Milwaukee, Wis. This will be his first experience…

Olivia DrakeFebruary 16, 20172min
The Wesleyan Republicans and Wesleyan Democrats student groups are hosting Bipartisan Political Series discussions to encourage open political dialogue on campus. "Following the recent election, we recognized the necessity for dialogue and communication as being more important than ever," said Catherine Cervone '19, a member of the Wesleyan Republicans. "We are really looking forward to this discussion series as we see it benefiting not only the members of our own club, but the campus community as a whole." On Feb. 23, Professor Marc Eisner, will speak on the impact of polarization on contemporary politics. After his talk, he will facilitate…

Olivia DrakeFebruary 15, 20171min
On Feb. 8, John Hossain, a MA candidate from the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, presented a talk on "The Role of Reverse Fault Geometry on Slip Rate Estimates" during the Graduate Speaker Series. Estimates of fault slip rates are an integral part of assessing seismic hazard because they affect estimates of earthquake renewal and moment release rates. For some faults, however, slip rate estimates vary among geodetic studies or between geodetic and geologic investigations. In his talk, Hossain explained why by using a series of numerical models. Graduate Speaker Series events are open to the entire Wesleyan community. (Photos…

Andrew Logan ’18February 15, 20171min
This semester, the Certificate in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory is hosting a lecture series titled “Contours of the Present Crisis.” This series will respond the heightened social and political conflicts of the current moment. Talks will be held on March 7, March 30 and May 4. "Our aim is to emphasize at every turn the relationship between what we call 'theory' and the rest of our lives," says Matthew Garrett, associate professor of English, associate professor of American studies and the director of the Certificate in Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory. "Intellectual work certainly deserves a privileged place; at the…

Andrew Logan ’18February 15, 20172min
Norman Shapiro, professor of French, poet in residence and the Distinguished Professor of Literary Translation at Wesleyan, has received a grant from the Belgian government's Ministère de la Culture for his forthcoming volume Fables of Town and Country, a translation of Fables des villes et des champs of Pierre Coran, an eminent Belgian poet and novelist. The book will feature illustrations by Olga Pastuchiv, a children’s book author and illustrator, and will be published by Black Widow Press, which specializes in poetry translations. Black Widow Press also published Shapiro’s previous collection of Coran, Fables in a Modern Key, translated from…

Randi Alexandra PlakeFebruary 15, 20173min
In the Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery sits an old Volkswagen Brasília, surrounded by a sampling of artwork in all different mediums. This the Center for the Arts' latest exhibition, Stereoscopic Vision, which fuses photography, sculpture, and video from different bodies of work by Brazilian-born artist, Clarissa Tossin. Stereoscopic Vision highlights the dualities between natural and manufactured; two and three-dimensions; co-dependent economies; intention and actuality; and the United States and Brazil.    For Tossin, who is based in Los Angeles, this is her first solo exhibition in the northeast. Tossin considers herself a multimedia artist. “I work with installation, video,…

Olivia DrakeFebruary 15, 20172min
Krishna Winston, the Marcus L. Taft Professor of German Language and Literature, professor of environmental studies, received a lifetime achievement award from the German government on Feb. 13. Ralf Horlemann, the Consul General of Germany to New England, bestowed the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on Winston after a ceremony held in Allbritton Hall. The Order of Merit is the highest tribute the Federal Republic of Germany pays to individuals for services to the nation or contributions to enhancing Germany’s standing abroad and its relations with other countries. Winston received the award for her scholarly and…

Lauren RubensteinFebruary 15, 20173min
Christina Crosby, professor of English, professor of feminist, gender and sexuality studies, is the author of an essay on injury and grief in a special issue of Guernica magazine on "The Future of the Body." Titled, "My Lost Body," Crosby's essay explores the grief she has experienced since a bicycle accident 13 years ago, just after her 50th birthday, left her paralyzed. The accident was the topic of her memoir, A Body, Undone: Living On After Great Pain (NYU Press, March 2016). She writes, "Because of my transformation, I have worked hard to conceptualize how embodied memory works—like the muscle memory that allows you to ride…

Randi Alexandra PlakeFebruary 15, 20172min
With spring sporting events right around the corner, now is the time to download Wesleyan Front Row, the Wesleyan Athletics new mobile app. Launched in August and developed with PrestoSports, Wesleyan Front Row gives Cardinals fans the ability to enable notifications to access score updates, statistics, and game recaps. Fans can set sport preferences to see schedules, results, event recaps and photo galleries. For some events, a live stream of the game is available through the app, giving unprecedented access to off-campus fans, including parents and alumni, who still want to cheer on their favorite athletes from afar. “The mobile…