Olivia DrakeAugust 27, 20213min
This October, Wesleyan will present a multidisciplinary dance project titled “WesWorks” that transforms the ordinary, mundane, and skillful movements of facilities and custodial employees into a performance accompanied by live, original music and stories told in the workers’ voices. Led by Allison Orr, the choreographer and artistic director of Forklift Danceworks, a distinguished fellow in the College of Environment, "WesWorks" will teach students techniques of community art practice through performance. In these Q&As, we speak with Forklift Danceworks employees and Wesleyan alumnae Gretchen LaMotte '18 (click to read), choreographer and programs manager and Penny Snyder '16 (click to read), communications manager…

Olivia DrakeAugust 26, 20215min
For more than a decade, the student group WILD Wes (Working for Intelligent Landscape Design at Wesleyan University) has worked to transform a .75 acre of sloping, sandy land into a thriving permaculture site. Located inside the West College Courtyard, the garden boasts a biodiverse natural ecosystem with plants that are beneficial to humans and wildlife. Birds, bees, butterflies (and humans) enjoy the plethora of seasonal produce: blackberries, blueberries, pears, apples, corn, currants, and more. Seasonal flowers, from beebalm to woodland sunflowers, provide insects with nectar-rich meals, and grassy native groundcovers spread to absorb heavy rain and eliminate the need…

Olivia DrakeJune 11, 20213min
For nearly a year and a half, the COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably affected our lives in varying magnitudes. In this timeline, we explore the evolution of the pandemic through Wesleyan's lens via public health advisories, photographs, and news stories. Jan. 22, 2020:  Wesleyan's Medical Director Dr. Tom McLarney issues a public health advisory to the campus community. "As many of you know from news reports, there is a viral illness that has affected the Hubei Province (mainly in Wuhan) China," he wrote. "This virus is a novel (new) strain of the Corona virus ... At this time, there is no…

Rachel Wachman '24June 8, 20212min
The entrance to the Science Library in Exley Science Center houses a taxidermied peacock that has been restored by faculty and students in the biology department. The peacock, originally rediscovered in 2018 and put on exhibit in spring 2019, is part of a bird collection that was first displayed at the museum in Judd Hall and now belongs to the Wesleyan Museum of Natural History. The restoration team, which includes Professor of Biology Ann Campbell Burke, Yu Kai Tan BA/MA ’21, Andy Tan ’21, and Fletcher Levy ’23, recently updated the display to include new signage and fresh peacock feathers…

Olivia DrakeJune 4, 20212min
During her four years at Wesleyan, Katherine "Kat" Eaton '21 not only fell in love with creative writing, but she also discovered interests in martial arts, fire spinning, and tabletop roleplaying games—Dungeons & Dragons, Monster of the Week, Masks, and more. "Basically, I'm a storyteller, whether that's on my own or with other people," Eaton explained. Eaton, who graduated on May 26 with honors for her English thesis titled "Myths and Legends of Aetheria: A Study in Worldbuilding," is also among only 88 students from the Class of 2021 to graduate with Phi Beta Kappa honors. On May 24, she…