Olivia DrakeApril 29, 20093min
More than 500 students and their families celebrated all-things Wesleyan during the annual WesFest April 16-18 on campus. WesFest allows all admitted students an opportunity to explore what Wesleyan has to offer. Attendees took campus tours, visited campus housing, attended classes, explored science laboratories, samples campus dining, visited with current Wesleyan students, viewed art, film and music performances, and much more. "WesFest benefits students by giving them the opportunity to engage with the Wesleyan community," says Stephanie Pruitt, program and events coordinator for the Office of Admission. "For many students, their time on campus helps them decide if Wesleyan will…

Olivia DrakeApril 29, 20097min
Baltimore native Esther McCready grew up in segregated, discriminatory world and was denied admission to the University of Maryland School of Nursing. At that time, the school did not admit "Negros." With help from NAACP civil rights leaders like Thurgood Marshall, she sued for admission to the university, and in April 1950, McCready won her right to attend classes. In the spring semester course "Making the Science Documentary," molecular biology and biochemistry major Christopher Doucette '11 had the opportunity to interview and film McCready about being the first African American woman to attend Maryland's School of Nursing. He also interviewed…

Olivia DrakeApril 13, 20093min
Born and raised in Africa's largest slum, Kennedy Odede ’12 witnessed abuse, rape, domestic violence and general mistreatment of school-aged girls in his community. His own sister, at age 17, gave birth to a baby recently as a result of rape. Sadly, this is the norm. Without access to education, many of the girls are forced into commercial sex work at early ages. The Kenyan Government views the slum, named Kibera, as an illegal settlement and therefore does not provide any services or government-funded schools. "Girls in my community lose their hope of ever attaining an education and ever leaving…

David PesciApril 13, 20093min
McNair Fellows Asia Neupane ’09 and Aivi Doan ’10 have both received recognition for their research initiatives. Neupane, who also is a Mellon Fellow, was awarded first prize for her poster presentation "Mercury Pollution in Tobago, West Indies" at the 8th Annual New England Science Symposium, which was held April 3 at Harvard Medical School. Neupane collected samples for her research this summer in Tobago, West Indies, and has been analyzing them in the Earth and Environmental Sciences lab of Johan Varekamp, the Harold T. Stearns Professor of Earth Science. She has been a research assistant with Professor Varekamp since…

Olivia DrakeApril 13, 20091min
Christopher Doucette ’11, a molecular biology and biochemistry major, received an undergraduate research award from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology’s Undergraduate Affiliate Network is a national organization comprised of university-based chapters dedicated to the advancement of undergraduate research, research-based undergraduate education, and K-12 outreach in biochemistry and molecular biology. Doucette will receive a research award in the amount of $1,000. The award is to be used for the purchase of research supplies and reagents. He is expected to present his findings and results at the next ASBMB annual…

Olivia DrakeApril 13, 20091min
Keera Bhandari ’08/MA ’09 presented her research at the 2009 Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), held in Denver, Colo. from April 2-4. The poster presentation, co-authored with Hilary Barth, assistant professor of psychology, assistant professor of neuroscience and behavior, was titled "Acquiring Knowledge from Others: Preschoolers’ Use of Testimony." Jessica Sullivan ’08 presented a poster co-authored by Kyle MacDonald ’10, Annie Paladino ’09 and Barth at the 2009 Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), titled "Children’s Mappings of Number Words to Large Numerosities."