Olivia DrakeSeptember 15, 20141min
The Wesleyan Student Assembly (WSA) hosted the 21st Annual Student Groups Fair Sept. 12 behind Usdan University Center. The campus-wide event allowed both new and returning students to learn about new and established student groups, network with different academic departments and interact with several vendors from the local Middletown community. About 70 student groups were represented at the event. Photos of the event are below: (Photos by Harry Jiang '18) (more…)

Lauren RubensteinSeptember 11, 20143min
Experienced programmers and tech newbies alike gathered Sept. 5-7 for WesHack 2014, a two-part conference that included a daylong tech crash course for students, alumni and friends, and a 48-hour “Hackathon” app-development competition. WesHack was founded in May 2013 by Julian Applebaum ’13, Evan Carmi ’13 and Anastasios Germanidis ’13, who, shortly before graduation, “decided Senior Week would be even more fun if they stayed awake for 36 hours writing software to solve the pressing problems of Wesleyan students,” according to the WesHack website. In fall 2013, WesHack 2.0—a second Wesleyan-themed Hackathon and day-long intro tech bootcamp for students and…

Olivia DrakeSeptember 8, 20142min
More than 20 student bands participated in THE MASH on Sept. 5. Inspired by Fete de la Musique, also known as World Music Day, the third-annual event highlighted the student music scene at Wesleyan and kicked off the year-long campus and community-wide Music & Public Life initiative. Bands performed concurrently on stages at Olin Library, the Butterfields, North College and at the base of Foss Hill. Bands and soloists included Jacob & The Masters, Quasimodal, David Stouck, Mixolydians, Andrew Hove, Slavei, all-caps LADD, Materiq, Trillion Dollar Boys Club (Butts Reunion Tour 2k14), jdv plus™, MFDP, Don Froot, Mazel Tones, Sam…

Olivia DrakeSeptember 2, 20142min
The Wesleyan community gathered on Foss Hill Sept. 2 to view The Monument Quilt, a crowd-sourced collection of thousands of stories from survivors of rape and abuse. The quilt serves as a platform for storytelling and a space where survivors are publicly supported. Sections of the quilt are traveling throughout the United States. In August, the quilt made stops in North Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Iowa, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York and Maryland. Following the tour, thousands of fabric squares will be stitched together to spell “NOT ALONE" on the National Mall.Through public recognition, the quilt aims to…

Olivia DrakeAugust 28, 20141min
The Administrators and Faculty of Color Alliance (AFCA) hosted a Students of Color Reception Aug. 28 in Usdan University Center. The reception allowed new students who identify themselves as a "student of color" to meet fellow students, faculty, staff and administrators. The group gathered for lunch and a brief program led by Antonio Farias, vice president for equity and inclusion. Photos of the event are below: (Photos by Olivia Drake) (more…)

Lauren RubensteinAugust 26, 20142min
This summer, 13 students had an opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor to conduct research, as well as get a leg up in the grad school application process, through the McNair Program. For 10 weeks, they studied topics in psychology and neuroscience, earth and environmental science, biology, physics, and science in society. The McNair Fellows, all rising juniors and seniors, are either low-income, first-generation college students or members of a group traditionally underrepresented in graduate school. The fellows may be engaged in research in any field, though the vast majority focus their studies in the sciences. This summer, eight fellows were fully…

Olivia DrakeJuly 14, 20143min
Long Lane Farm is Wesleyan’s student run organic farm devoted to allowing students a place to experiment and learn about sustainable agriculture. This summer, seven students are tending the two-acre farm full-time. New to this year's farm are Rhode Island red hens, who reside in the farm's chicken coop. The coop was designed and built by Wesleyan's Architecture II class in 2013. Throughout the summer, other students and community members help out around the farm with planting, watering and weeding. Food harvested from the farm is sold at the North End Farmers’ Market throughout the summer, and at the Wesleyan…

Olivia DrakeMay 9, 20142min
Wesleyan students presented “Texts.com Presents Shrak the Musical: the Musical” May 3 in WestCo Cafe. Nick Petrillo '14, Sky McGilligan '14, Keegan Dufty '14 and Liza Pine '14 wrote, directed and acted in the musical. Charlie Kaplan '14 directed the music and co-directed the show. Ben Kafoglis '14 also wrote, directed and produced the show. (Photos by Ryan Heffernan '16) (more…)