Lauren RubensteinJune 26, 20141min
The University of Connecticut-Wesleyan University Stem Cell Core was among the recipients of a new batch of state funding granted for stem cell research. Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy on June 24 announced nearly $10 million in new funds to 18 Connecticut-based stem cell researchers. The UConn-Wesleyan Core received $500,000, of which about $25,000 will go to the outreach component of the Core run by Laura Grabel, the Lauren B. Dachs Professor of Science and Society, professor of biology. According to Grabel, the funds will support visits by stem cell researchers to Connecticut colleges and universities. Since its founding in 2006, the UConn-Wesleyan…

Olivia DrakeJune 26, 20146min
Dozens of major maintenance projects are underway this summer at Wesleyan. According to Roseann Sillasen, project manager for Physical Plant-Facilities, the renovations will affect several buildings on campus. The Davison Health Center is receiving a window restoration and solarium window replacement. The project includes restoration of existing wood sashes with new insulated glass to match current historic profiles. Several wood-framed student homes are receiving upgrades. 132 High Street, 84 Home Avenue, 118 Knowles Avenue and 10 Fountain Avenue are receiving kitchen and bathroom renovations, electrical upgrades, interior paint, floor finishes and porch work. The Sign House, at 64 Lawn Avenue is…

Olivia DrakeJune 25, 20141min
Ashraf Rushdy, professor of English, professor of African American Studies, has agreed to serve as academic secretary for a two-year appointment beginning July 1. The academic secretary facilitates academic decision-making and supports faculty governance, provides advice and support to the Executive Committee of the faculty, the Academic Council and its committees, and the standing committees of the faculty. He also provides parliamentary advice, helps to administer faculty elections, and informs the faculty on matters related to the academic program and faculty responsibilities. Rushdy will be replacing Tom Morgan, professor of physics, who has served as academic secretary since 2003. Rushdy previously served as academic secretary in 2010-2011…

Olivia DrakeJune 24, 20141min
Phil Carney, head coach of men's crew, taught nine staff members and community members how to row on June 24. The group launched from Wesleyan's Macomber Boat House and rowed north on the Connecticut River. The group meets every Tuesday and Thursday throughout the summer, weather permitting, and welcomes new rowers. On this day, the following people rowed: Sharon Belden Castonguay, director of the Wesleyan Career Center; Sarah Hopkins, employer relations coordinator; Lisa LaPlant, assistant to the president; Lauren Rubenstein, associate manager of media and public relations; Carol Scully, director of corporate, foundation and government grants; Brittany Richard, assistant director of The…

Lauren RubensteinJune 18, 20145min
Wesleyan staff and the Green Street Arts Center are helping to make a dream come true for a Middletown girl with a life-threatening illness. Hannah Vecchitto, 14, is passionate about photography and received a brand new camera for Christmas. Her dream, which she shared with Make-a-Wish Connecticut, was for the opportunity to learn the camera and the art of photography, as well as have the technology to work on her own photography as a true artist. Make-a-Wish Connecticut grants wishes for children between 2-1/2 and 18 years old who are suffering from life-threatening medical conditions. This year, the Connecticut chapter,…