Hundreds of Wesleyan students had the opportunity to present their academic research at various poster sessions in March and April. Posters often contain text, graphics and images that illustrate the students’ research results on a single board. Poster session attendees can view the posters and interact with the author.
This year, the Psychology Department, College of the Environment, Biology Department, Neuroscience and Behavior Program, Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division, Quantitative Analysis Center and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences hosted poster sessions.
Photos of the poster sessions are below: (Photos by Olivia Drake, Caroline Kravitz ’19 and Rebecca Goldfarb Terry ’19)
On April 21, Wesleyan’s Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division hosted a Celebration of Science Theses, a poster session featuring the work of Honors and MA students in the NSM fields. During the event, Kylie Moynihan ’17 presented her thesis research titled “Testing the Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Model of Franks et al..”On April 27, the Psychology Department hosted a poster session in Beckham Hall. Psychology graduate student Lucy De Souza presented her poster on “Honor and Masculinity Among Latinos and European-Americans.”
Visiting international student Rodolfo del Pueyo Parra presented his research on “Beyond Major Depression: Cannabis Consumption in Relation to Dysthymia” during the Quantitative Analysis Center’s poster session on May 5.The Biology Department hosted a poster session on April 19 in Daniel Family Commons.Rebecca McCord ’17 presented “Energy and the Sovereignty of Place: A Genealogy of the Black Mesa Water Coalition in the Push from Coal to Renewable Energy” during the College of the Environment’s poster session on May 3.Biology graduate student Shyle Mehta presented his poster titled “Comparing the Efficacy of Two Forms of Cognitive Remediation: Strategy-Based vs. Drill-and-Practice Restorative Training for Cognitive Deficits in People with Psychosis” during the Neuroscience and Behavior (NS&B) Program’s poster session April 28 in Daniel Family Commons.Jonas Powell ’18 presented his study titled “I Can Stay Up a Little Later, Right? Analyzing the Relationship Between Sleep and Mental Health in Young Adults” during the QAC poster session.Marya Friedman ’17 presented “Toward an Environmental Politics of Decolonization: Sovereign Justice Activism of Debra White Plume and Winona LaDuke” at the COE poster session.Gonçalo Sampaio ’18 presented his research on “Musical Effects on Oscillatory Markers of Attention” at the NS&B poster session, Sampaio is majoring in computer science with a linked major in neuroscience.During the 30th Keck Geology Consortium Symposium on April 29, Wesleyan hosted a poster session at Exley Science Center. Several students from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences shared their research, as did students visiting from other universities who are part of the Keck Geology Consortium.Sarah Knight ’17 presented “Differential Effects of Audiovisual Integration in Congenital Amusia” at the NS&B poster session.Postdoctoral Fellow Chenmu “Julia” Xing presented her poster titled “Links Between Numerical Competence and Math Ability at Ages 6-8″ at the Psychology Department’s poster session.Molecular biology and biochemistry graduate student Miriam Torres’ shared her work on “Characterizing the Binding Interactions of Mus musculus Histone H1 with Holliday Junction” at the NSM poster session.