Olivia DrakeMay 27, 20124min
To help members of the Wesleyan community be more aware of their environmental impact, the College of the Environment is developing practical and accessible Eco-Tools. The Eco-Tools prototype, launched in April, provides links and information to Wesleyan's current projects, the Wesleyan Eco-Map and the Wesleyan Eco-Purchasing site. "Wesleyan is the first university in the country to create these tools," explains project coordinator Mary Alice Haddad, associate professor of government, East Asian studies and environmental studies. "The project is just starting to bloom, but once we get it up and operating, it can act as a model for other universities." The…

Lauren RubensteinApril 17, 20124min
From March 30-April 1, Shamar Chin ’13 joined nearly 1,200 other students at a meeting in Washington, D.C. of the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U). According to the Clinton Global Initiative’s website, CGI U, launched by former President Bill Clinton in 2007, “challenges students and universities to tackle global problems with practical, innovative solutions.” CGI U hosts an annual meeting for students, national youth organizations and university officials to discuss solutions to pressing global issues. Prior to attending the meeting, each student must develop and submit a Commitment to Action: a specific plan to address an important challenge on…

Olivia DrakeFebruary 13, 20121min
Cathy Lechowicz, who served as the director of the Office of Community Services and Volunteerism for the past eight years, has taken on a new role, director of the Center for Community Partnerships (CCP). "Cathy’s charge is to support the University’s liberal arts mission by collaborating with departments to engage faculty, staff, and students to weave civic engagement into the fabric of Wesleyan’s academic, community, and student endeavors," wrote Rob Rosenthal, provost and vice president for academic affairs, in an all-campus e-mail. The CCP combines the resources of Service-Learning Center, the Office of Community Service and Volunteerism, the Office of…

Olivia DrakeDecember 19, 20111min
Wesleyan's Green Street Arts Center received a $75,000 grant from the Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA) on Nov. 22. The grant will support Green Street's After School Program in 2012. CHEFA's mission is to enhance the welfare and prosperity and improve the health and living conditions of the citizens of the State of Connecticut by providing access to tax-exempt financing and other financial assistance to institutions of higher education, healthcare institutions, childcare providers and nonprofit organizations.

Olivia DrakeNovember 2, 20112min
Q&As with outstanding students is an occasional feature of The Wesleyan Connection. This issue we speak with Bill Tyner from the Class of 2013. Q: Bill, what is your major and what are your favorite classes this year? A: I have the pleasure of majoring in Cultural Anthropology with a certificate in Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory. This semester my favorite classes are Anthropology Theory 1 and Digital Media. Q: Tell us about your new blog, Freshleyan. Why did you start it, and what is your involvement? A: Driven by our fascination with writing, fashion and design, my friend Khari…

David PesciApril 19, 20113min
Former Wesleyan President Douglas J. Bennet ’59 has been named a 2011 member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS). As one of 212 new AAAS members, Bennet joins one of the world’s most prestigious honorary societies and leading centers for independent policy research. "It is a privilege to honor these men and women for their extraordinary individual accomplishments," said Leslie Berlowitz, Academy President and William T. Golden Chair. "The knowledge and expertise of our members give the Academy a unique capacity - and responsibility - to provide practical policy solutions to the pressing challenges of the day.…

Olivia DrakeFebruary 14, 20111min
The Green Street Arts Center received a $2,500 grant from the Middlesex County Community Foundation on Dec. 28. The award will support the "Arts in the Communities" project through June 30, 2011. "Arts In Our Communities" is a collaborative program which aims to increase the number of people engaging in arts activities, as both participants and audience members. The program’s objective is to provide the tools of critical thinking and civic engagement while injecting a powerful stream of creativity into the local communities, thus reinvigorating people’s drive to work, think and create together. Arts In Our Communities intends to bring a…

David PesciApril 6, 20101min
WFSB-3, Hartford’s CBS affiliate, recently profiled the after school programming at Green Street Arts Center, Wesleyan’s community arts initiative that provides classes, mentoring and extensive arts instruction of all sorts to youths in the community. "Kids in Middletown can't wait to get off the bus and meet up with their friends at the Green Street Arts Center. It's not your average after school program. For the last five years, it's been one of the city's hidden gems," says the program's host. The newscast is online.