Undergraduates Share Summer Research

The Summe Program for Research in the Sciences culminated with a research poster session in the lobby of Exley Science Center, with more than 100 students participating.
The program, held May 29 to July 26, was open to frosh, sophomores and juniors currently enrolled at Wesleyan. Wesleyan science faculty members served as mentors for student research in their laboratories. In addition to the closing poster session, the students participated in weekly seminars and workshops, a symposium, and various social events. After the poster session, students displayed their posters in the hallways outside the introductory biology laboratories.
Students majoring in astronomy, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, the College of Integrative Sciences, the College of the Environment, earth and environmental sciences, math and computer science, molecular biology and biochemistry, physics, psychology, and quantitative analysis presented posters. Topics ranged from “The Radiophysical Properties of Volcanos on Venus” to “Use of Rhodium Nanocubes for Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Spectroscopy” to “How Forest Fragmentation Effects Bird Predation on Caterpillars.”
Photos of the poster session are below: (Photos by Preksha Sreewastav ’21)