On April 30, the Psychology Department held its annual poster session in Beckham Hall. More than 50 psychology and neuroscience and behavior majors presented research, and the event was attended by several hundred psychology majors. (All photos by Dat Vu ’15.)
From left, Aviv Fraiman ’15, Shenghao “Isis” Chen ’15 and Rachel Verner ’15.
Dawanna Butler ’15 with her poster, “Blacks Be Like: An Analysis of Stereotypes Perpetuated in Fox’s Empire.”Matan Koplin-Green ’15, right, discusses his project on “EEG Sonification for the Detection of Seizures.”Harim Jung ’16 discusses his research “Rhythmic Effects of Syntax Processing in Music and Language,” with BA/MA student Victoria Fong.Britt Duncan ’15 with her poster on “From Real World to Real Families: Parent Representation in Reality Television.”Ilona Bass, research associate/lab coordinator for Associate Professor of Psychology Hilary Barth, speaks with Provost Ruth Weissman about her research, “Links Between Lab-Based Measures of Numerical Competence and TEMA Scores.”Sam Rispaud ’15, right, discusses his research, “The Temporal Relationship between Change in Cognition and Change in Adaptive Functioning in Schizophrenia,” with Patrick Masi-Phelps ’15.Caroline Mead ’15 discusses her research project, “Post-racial or Prejudiced? An Examination of Current Race Relations through Attitudes Toward Black-White Interracial Couples.”Simone Hyman ’15, right, discusses her research on “The Relationship Between Internalized Stigma and Functional Disability in Schizophrenia: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of India and the United States,” with another psychology major, Sarah Seo ’16.Alison Goldberg ’15 with her project, “The Effect of Jewish Phenotypic Prototypicality on Stereotyping and Identity.”Anqi Guo ’15 and Mikaela Reyes ’17 with their research on “Playing the Race Card.”