As part of Green Street Teaching and Learning Center’s (GSTLC) AfterSchool Program, Nadya Potemkina, adjunct assistant professor of music (pictured at right), led a special music program for students in grades 1 through 5 on Sept. 25. Potemkina directs the Wesleyan University Orchestra and teaches Wesleyan Concert Choir. She’s also adjunct assistant professor of Russian, East European and Eurasian studies.
The students learned the notes associated with a treble clef while playing a game of “musical Twister.” Madeleine KuselĀ ’20, an AfterSchool program musical mentor (pictured at top left) assisted with the program. Kusel is a member of the Wesleyan Orchestra.The Middletown students visited GSTLC during a half-day from school.